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    Monday, April 27, 2009

    3 Keys To Ensure You Never Miss Another Opportunity

    Back on Vancouver Island in Canada's beautiful west coast.  The sun is shining, the breeze carries that spring freshness everywhere, summer's on the is good.  I'm getting back into the groove after an incredible trip across this country and others - Toronto, south to Miami, cruising the Bahamas, back to Toronto, and home.  I experienced so much in these 10 days, and would have missed it all were it not for these principles...

    When opportunities come knocking at your door, what will you say??  What have you said in the past?  Has that served you?  Are you where you want to be?  Are you doing what you want to do, when you want to do it, however you want to do it, with whomever you choose??

    Nobody likes missing opportunities.  We all want to grab life by the horns and ride into our sunset.  The trick here is that opportunities almost always disguise themselves as problems, challenges, strange requests, conflicts, seemingly absurd suggestions or advice, and a myriad of other tricksters.  When you realize this, you see that opportunities are everywhere.  They are all around us, all the time.  The great ones amoung us know how to recognize and harness these opportunities - and quickly - to turn their dreams into reality.  How do you do this?  Here are a couple of suggestions...

    1)  Know what you want!  This seams so simple, but don't just glaze over it.  This is probably the most important principle in creating the life of your dreams.  You have to train your brain to pay attention to every little detail related to your dreams, so that when sparks of inspiration drop into your world, you can fan the flame.  There is a system in your brain called the Reticular Activating Complex (RAC) whose job is to filter out all the approximately 80,000 different stimuli that your mind is presented with in a given second.  It sorts through, and presents your conscious awareness with the 6 or 7 bits that you've told it are important to you.  A great example of this is the new car phenomenon.  Have you ever noticed that when you get a new car (or new anything) you start to see them everywhere?  That's because you've told your brain that this is now something that's important to watch out for.  It's VALUABLE to you.  So get clear on what you want.  I recommend using visualization techniques, affirmations, dream boards, etc. to keep your dreams and goals fresh in your mind.

    2)  Be aware, and say "YES"!  The universe is always speaking to you.  Always.  We live in an abundant world where anything is possible.  The key is to learn to LISTEN, and the say YES.  Be aware, and then follow your gut.  If your mind is drawn to a poster that you never noticed before, check it out.  Call the number, or email the contact for more info.  If you're inspired to call an old friend, or pursue a new connection, even though you're not sure why, do it.  In conversations about your dreams (or about anything!) listen for little suggestions that may help steer you towards your success.  These spontaneous inspirations are the signals from the universe to help you find what you need to get where you want to go.

    3)  Trust.  There are no coincidences in this world.  None.  All things are connected, and anything is possible.  When you believe this, open yourself up to it, and ACT in accordance with this principle you will see what I mean.  I promise.  The old saying "seeing is believing" will not help you here.  In this case the opposite is true.  When you believe deep in your heart that these principles are true, you will see the results.  In other words, "Believing is seeing".  It is only when you let go and trust this world completely that you will be able to see the path.  Know this, and you will never miss another opportunity.  You will be counted amoung those "lucky" ones who seem to catch all the breaks and turn everything they touch into gold.

    Yours in Health, Wealth, and Happiness,

    R. Sinclair

    Posted via web from robsinclair's posterous

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